Monday, May 7, 2012

Weigh Day: Fighting With My Scale

Since moving from Georgia to North Carolina 10 days ago, things have been a little...chaotic.  Despite my best efforts, my home is still unorganized.  There are still many unopened boxes and missing items (the toaster, my measuring tape...).  But despite all that, I've been managing to get in my workouts and have been doing amazingly well on my eating.
If I do say so myself.
One nice thing about moving and starting anew is that you have to pretty much start your food supply from scratch.  So I have been ubber careful on what food I'm buying, trying to ensure I don't buy anything that I shouldn't eat and that will tempt me.  The few treats I've bought for my kids are things that they can make themselves and that I don't like enough to make me stray from my goal of avoiding treats.  Things like popsicles and s'mores. 
On Friday we found something I'd been looking for: my bathroom scale.  Excited to see what my progress had been for the past two weeks, I stepped on it and read:
"LIAR!" I exclaimed, shaking my finger at the tease that was my scale.  "Now I KNOW I didn't lose 8 pounds in 12 days!"
I made my husband weigh himself.  Sure enough, the scale was reading 5-8 pounds less than it should.
"Maybe we should keep it anyway," said the devil on my shoulder.  "It's a very flattering bathroom scale."
Tempting.  VERY tempting.  After all, I hadn't been below 150 since before baby #3 (Three babies ago!).
But my desire for knowing the truth of my weight-loss journey won out.  I bought a new digital scale and brought it home, weighing myself right after dinner.
Not the best time to weigh in, but I wanted to see if it was accurate. 
And it was!  My husband and son tried it, too.  It was the first time I'd let my husband see me weigh myself in years.  He finally asked the question he'd been burning to know for months: "What was your starting weight in January?" 
So I told him.  And I was no longer ashamed.  I felt proud of my progress.
I waited until today to weigh myself first thing in the morning.  And I was pleased to see that during the past two weeks of moving drama, I've lost...
I have no idea how many inches that translates into since, as before mentioned, I have YET to find my measuring tape.
But that's okay.  It'll turn up eventually!
How are YOU doing on your fitness journey?  Remember to weigh and measure yourself today and send me your results!  Tell me how you are feeling about your progress!!!

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